Hey Wendy’s – About My Coffee…

Posted by Frankly Francis on April 26, 2010 under Personal | Be the First to Comment

Sometimes I can be a curmudgeon, and sometimes I am proud of that.

I’m waiting in the drive-thru lane, I’m still waiting, I can see myself aging, pigs are flying above my car, Hell is freezing over.  OK, I’m overplaying it, but it seems like an undue amount of time.  And all I want is a black coffee.

I’ve long maintained that the propensity to get “order screwed” in the drive-thru lane is the price that one pays for convenience, but I can’t even get up there to place my order.

Finally, I’m at the window.  The young lady rejects my money and hands me my coffee.  She says that it’s on the house for the wait.  I offer to pay again, but she insists that the manager insists.

Why Thank You, Wendy’s…I’ll be back again.

What a unique experience.  One that I’ve never had before at fast food: understanding of the customer and the desire to mitigate the delay.

Imagine that, it’s almost like they think my time might be valuable.  I’ve had that notion before, but it is affirming when others feel that way as well.

I’d like to think that I’m easy to please, that I’m as understanding and forgiving as the next guy, but I’ve seen the next guy in action on many occasions and it hasn’t been pretty.  And I have had my moments too.

I don’t mean to take my pleasant surprise over the top.  I know it was just a coffee, but it is a response worth noting nonetheless.



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